Every night we go to Bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning But still we set the Alarm to wake up. That's called HOPE.
If there's a wound, There's a scar. If there's a scar, There's a story - that says "You Survived!"
Once it's been done; We can only look back, But we can never bring it back. Life has no rewind, so we must learn to play it right.
Love is boundless, Moments are countless and Friends are priceless. So Live your life to the fullest with full of Happiness!
Don't worry about how things might Turn out. Just remember that nothing came to those who didn't Try. So Rise & Grind!
When it hurts to look Back, And you're terrified to look Ahead, Just look Up, find God, And know that He's always there for you.
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