Cine stie engleza si e interesat de o poveste scary?
"THIS is the testimony of all that I have seen, and all that I have learned, in those years
that I have possessed the Three Seals of MASSHU. I have seen One Thousand-and-One
moons, and surely this is enough for the span of a man's life, though it is said the
Prophets lived much longer. I am weak, and ill, and bear a great tiredness and exhaustion,
and a sigh hangs in my breast like a dark lantern. I am old.
The wolves carry my name in their midnight speeches, and that quiet, subtle Voice is
summoning me from afar. And a Voice much closer will shout into my ear with unholy
impatience. The weight of my soul will decide its final resting place. Before that time, I
must put down here all that I can concerning the horrors that stalk Without, and which lie
in wait at the door of every man, for this is the ancient arcana that has been handed down
of old, but which has been forgotten by all but a few men, the worshippers of the Ancient
Ones (may their names be blotted out!).
And if I do not finish this task, take what is here and discover the rest, for time is short
and mankind does not know nor understand the evil that awaits it, from every side, from
every Gate, from every broken barrier, from every mindless acolyte at the alters of
For this is the Book of the Dead, the Book of the Black Earth, that I have writ down at the
peril of my life, exactly as I received it, on the planes of the IGIGI, the cruel celestial
spirits from beyond the Wanderers of the Wastes.
Let all who read this book be warned thereby that the habitation of men are seen and
surveyed by that Ancient Race of gods and demons from a time before time, and that they
seek revenge for that forgotten battle that took place somewhere in the Cosmos and rent
the Worlds in the days before the creation of Man, when the Elder Gods walked the
Spaces, the race of MARDUK, as he is known to the Chaldeans, and of ENKI our
MASTER, the Lord of Magicians.
Know, then, that I have trod all the Zones of the Gods, and also the places of the Azonei,
and have descended unto the foul places of Death and Eternal Thirst, which may be
reached through the Gate of GANZIR, which was built in UR, in the days before Babylon
Know, too, that I have spoken with all manner of spirit and daemon, whose names are no
longer known in the societies of Man, or were never known. And the seals of some of
these are writ herein; yet others I must take with me when I leave you. ANU have merci
on my soul!
I have seen the Unknown Lands, that no map has ever charted. I have lived in the deserts
and the wastelands, and spoken with demons and the souls of slaughtered men, and of
women who have dies in childbirth, victims of the she-fiend LAMMASHTA.
I have traveled beneath the Seas, in search of the Palace of Our Master, and found the
stone of monuments of vanquished civilisations, and deciphered the writings of some of
these; while still others remain mysteries to any man who lives. And these civilisations
were destroyed because of the knowledge contained in this book.
I have traveled among the stars, and trembled before the Gods. I have, at last, found the
formulae by which I passed the Gate ARZIR, and passed into the forbidden realms of the
foul IGIGI.
I have raised demons, and the dead.
I have summoned the ghosts of my ancestors to real and visible appearance on the tops of
temples built to reach the stars, and built to touch the nethermost cavities of HADES. I
have wrestled with the Black Magician, AZAG-THOTH, in vain, and fled to the Earth by
calling upon INANNA and her brother MARDUK, Lord of the double-headed AXE.
I have raised armies against the Lands of the East, by summoning the hordes of fiends I
have made subject unto me, and so doing found NGAA, the God of the heathens, who
breathes flame and roars like a thousand thunders.
I have found fear.
I have found the Gate that leads to the Outside, by which the Ancient Ones, who ever
seek entrance to our world, keep eternal watch. I have smelled the vapours of that
Ancient One, Queen of the Outside, whose name is writ in the terrible MAGAN text, the
testament of some dead civilisation whose priests, seeking power, swing open the dread,
evil Gate for an hour past the time, and were consumed.
I came to possess this knowledge through circumstances quite peculiar, while still the
unlettered son of a shepherd in what is called Mesopotamia by the Greeks.
When I was only a youth, travelling alone in the mountains to the East, called MASSHU
by the people who live there, I came upon a grey rock carved with three strange symbols.
It stood as high as a man, and as wide around as a bull. It was firmly in the ground, and I
could not move it. Thinking no more of the carvings, save that they might be the work of
a king to mark some ancient victory over an enemy, I built a fire at its foot to protect me
from the wolves that wander in those regions and went to sleep, for it was night and I was
far from my village, being Bet Durrabia. Being about three hours from dawn, in the
nineteenth of Shabatu, I was awakened by the howl of a dog, perhaps of a wolf,
uncommonly loud and close at hand. The fire had dies to its embers, and these red,
glowing coals cast a faint, dancing shadow across the stone monument with the three
carvings. I began to make haste to build another fire when, at once, the gray rock began
to rise slowly into the air, as though it were a dove. I could not move or speak for the fear
that seized upon my spine and wrapped cold fingers around my skull. The Dik of Azugbel-
ya was no stranger to me than this sight, though the former seemed to melt into my
Presently, I heard a voice, softly, some distance away and a more practical fear, that of
the possibility of robbers, took hold of me and I rolled behind some weeds, trembling.
Another voice joined the first, and soon several men in the black robes of thieves came
together over the place where I was, surrounding the floating rock, of which they did not
exhibit the least fright.
I could see clearly now that the three carvings on the stone monument were glowing a
flame red colour, as though the rock were on fire. The figures were murmuring together
in prayer or invocation, of which only a few words could be heard, and these in some
unknown tongue; though, ANU have merci on my soul!, these rituals are not unknown to
me any longer.
The figures, whose faces I could not see or recognise, began to make wild passes in the
air with knives that glinted cold and sharp in the mountain night.
From beneath the floating rock, out of the very ground where it had sat, came rising the
tail of a serpent. This serpent was surely larger than any I had ever seen. The thinnest
section thereof was fully that of the arms of two men, and as it rose from the earth it was
followed by another, although the end of the first was not seen as it seemed to reach
down into the very Pit itself. These were followed by still more, and the ground began to
tremble under the pressure of so many of these enormous arms. The chanting of the
priests, for I knew them now to be the servants of some hidden Power, became much
louder and very nearly hysterical.
The ground where I was hiding became wet with some substance, being slightly downhill
from the scene I was witnessing. I touched the wetness and found it to be blood. In
horror, I screamed and gave my presence away to the priests. They turned toward me, and
I saw a loathing that they had cut their chests with the daggers they had used to raise the
stone, for some mystical purpose I could not then divine; although I know now that blood
is the very food of these spirits, which is why the field after the battles of war glows with
an unnatural light, the manifestations of the spirits feeding thereon.
May ANU protect us all!
My scream had the effect of casting their ritual into chaos and disorder. I raced through
the mountain path by which I had come, and the priests came running after me, although
some seemed to stay behind, perhaps to finish the Rites. However, as I ran wildly down
the slopes in the cold night, my heart giving rise in my chest and my head growing hot,
the sound of splitting rocks and thunder came from behind me and shook the very ground
I ran upon. In fright, and in haste, I fell to the earth.
Rising, I turned to face whatever attacker had come nearest me, though I was unarmed.
To my surprise what I saw was no priest of ancient horror, no necromancer of that
forbidden Art, but black robes fallen upon the grass and weeds, with no seeming presence
of life or bodies beneath them.
I walked cautiously to the first and, picking up a long twig, lifted the robe from the tangle
of weeds and thorns. All that remained of the priest was a pool of slime, like green oil,
and the smell of a body lain long to rot in the sun. Such a stench nearly overpowered me,
but I was resolute to find the others, to see if the same fortune had also befallen them.
Walking back up the slope that I had so fearfully run down only moments ago, I came
across yet another of the dark priests, in identical condition to the first. I kept walking,
passing more of the robes as I went, not venturing to overturn them any longer. Then, I
finally came upon the grey stone monument that had risen unnaturally into the air at the
command of the priests. It now upon the ground once more, but the carvings still glowed
with supernatural light. The serpents, or what I had then though of as serpents, had
disappeared. But in the dead embers of the fire, now cold and black, was a shining metal
plate. I picked it up and saw that it also was carved, as the stone, but very intricately, after
a fashion I could not understand. I did not bear the same markings as the stone, but I had
the feeling I could almost read the characters, but could not, as though I once knew the
tongue but had since long forgotten. My head began to ache as though a devil was
pounding my skull, when a shaft of moonlight struck the metal amulet, for I know now
what it was, and a voice entered into my head and told me the secrets of the scene I had
witnessed in one word:
sorry pentru punerea in pagina. dar intrebarea e, de ce e asa de scary? e capitolul I din Necronomicon, si e doar o poveste, de ce cred unii ca e reala? suna real pentru voi?
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Nu este de loc scary. e ceva gen sf :"bau bau exista"(nu exista). fac engleza de 8 ani si nu ii ceva nou este destul de sf. dar este captivanta povestea
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