Www.meez.com e super da' trebuie sa-ti faci cont mai intai :D
dupa ce te loghezi, trebuie sa joci jocurile de acolo ca sa te ajute sa castigi niste monede numite "coinz" :D
sper sa-ti placa! succes!
Daca iti plac jocurile de gatit, poti sa incerci si pe http://www.jocuri-de-gatit.net/
Sunt multe si foarte bune.
Desi intrebarea e veche. poate raspunsul meu va fi de folos totusi :http://www.royalgames.com/----iti creezi cont, ai posibilitatea de a juca puzzle, actiune, strategie, peste 60 de joculete, poti juca fara sa bagi bani-
iti poti edita avatarul castelu, poti avea prieteni- nu recomand romanii, nu stiu ce au zici ca sunt posedati. poti juca si fara prieteni
MarketGlory is a strategy game, in which you have the possibility to convert your virtual currency into real money. It is an online browser game, therefore you don't need any other programs installed in order to play. It is one of the few business games where you are rewarded for your daily activity. As a simulation game, it offers you the possibility to fight, work, open companies, start wars. It is a very complex game, and the more you play it, the more options you find for your own development.
Register: www.marketglory.com/strategygame/cristi1226
Dupa mine cele mai tari jocuri sunt:Tyon, Monkey kink, cs 1.6, tankyonline. sper ca te-am ajutat
Incearca :adventurequestworlds, epicdule, adventurequest, mechquest, dragonfable, herosmash, ourworld, clubpenguin, pandanda, panfu, sherwooddungeon, Etc. Sper ca te-am ajutat Pls funda...