I saw/didn`t see... Did I see
You saw/didn`t see... Did you see
He/She saw/didn`t see... Did he/she see
We saw/didn`t see... Did we see
You saw/didn`t see... Did you see
They saw /didn`t see... Did they see
`to write` este verb neregulat: write-wrote-written
Nu există forma "writed". Nu se adaugă nici un "-ed" la verbul "to write", e verb neregulat, "-ed" se pune numai la sfârşitul verbelor regulate.
I see...
I saw...
I did not see (didn't see)...
Did I see?
Dar vezi ca si to write e tot neregulat. este : to write, to wrote, to written.
Particula "to" se asociaza numai cu forma "write", pentru a forma infinitivul. Nu merge "to wrote", nici "to written".
Da, ai dreptate , am gresit.
Aveti dreptate! to write e un verb neregulat. acum mmi-am adusaminte si eu
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