Sa am si eu o sansa sa gasesc domnisoare interesante. Vrei sa imi iei sansa asta?
@ ilisium,
In this world the most of the good guys are taken.
That doesn't mean they`re gay.
Certainly, I can`t check every guy on the earth, and I can`t find the right guy for me and I`m sure, he isn`t going to appear too early.
But I can hope.
Persoanele bune si persoanele rele sunt afirmatii relative. O persoana care este considerata rea de mine, pentru alta persoana poate fi castigul cel mare. Abordare, intelegere, toleranta etc sunt aspecte care ne diferentiaza.
Aceeasi intrebare isi pun si baietii buni care nu au noroc de o fata la fel sau. poate nu se intilnesc. asa e viata. dar nu pierde speranta [asa sp eu baiatului meu ] care este dezamagit...
1. They might be gay, so don't worry no specimen of the female sex will ever lay a hand on them, that is if they don't pass out from too much booze.
2. They just aren't that into you, nothing you can change about that, buy you can try. Dar atunci chiar sunt buni?
3. Idk, I'm a guy, but funny question you have there, sounds like you know each and every guy walking on earth.
Take care, and good luck hunting. Ugh ce urasc cand raspunsurile sunt trunchiate
Pentru ca barbatii sunt 40% din populatia lumii iar femeile 60% poate? Asta inseamna ca 30% din femei nu o sa mai aiba barbati
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