The Worlds End
Not a day goes by and all I can do is think
As life as we know it is on the brink
That people today don’t know what to do
As the world ends and we do too
The wind whistles and the ground roars
People are scared as they close their doors
Families are praying for life today
As people with no houses go astray
Sadness wont come out
I know that I shouldnt be sad
Beecause they wasn’t any thing to be sad about at the start
But I cant take it any more
I’m losing myself
You dont care about me
But when I see you my heart beats faster
But that doesnt matter to you
You just want to watch movies and forget about me
The memories hurt the most
I feel like I should cry
But the tears just wont come out
My sadness won’t come out
In a dark pool,
Four eyes gleam
What is it?
I think there are two fishes!
este frumosa. merita
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