Alex Mica-Dalinda
Ashlee Simpson-Little Miss Obsessive
Zendaya Coleman & Bella Thorne-Something To Dance For
Mishelle feat Randi-Only You
Sarah Michelle-Je Veux Vivre
Taylor Swift-(Toate melodiile-Adica te sfatuiesc sa le asculti pe toate pentru ca sunt super, sunt fana nr. 1)
Selena Gomez-Hit The Lights
Asculta-le pe toate.Crede-ma ca merita.
Gusttavo Lima - Balada Boa
Andra- What about us
Alex Velea - Cand noaptea vine
Smiley- Dead man walking
DAVID DeeJay Ft AMI - Magnetic
AlexUnder Base - Set Me Free ft. Soel
Alex Mica - Dalinda
Nick Kamarera & Alinka - Get A Life
Voltaj - Da vina pe Voltaj
Medina - You And I
Westlife - Amazing
Maroon 5 - Payphone
First Of The Year - Skrillex
Hey Sexy Lady - i SQUARE
Rihanna - Where Have You Been
Jamie Woon - Shoulda
Guess Who - Scuza-ma
Havana Brown - We Run The Night
Astea sunt cateva din preferatele mele pe moment. Sper sa iti placa si tie :*
Daddy Yankee- gasolina
Daddy yankee- rompe
Justin timbarlake - cry me a river
GD and Top - knock out
Top - turn it up
Snoop Dogg - Drop it like it's hot
Tranda - sari pe treaba
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