Haloween, Saw-urile, The Grudge1, 2, 3, The Dorm, The Wolfman, Constantine, Shutter, The Final Destination, One Missed Call, Autopsy, Amusement, 1408...
Haunting in connecticut
saw (toate)
one missed call
my bloody valentina
paranormal activity
the eye
halloween 1, 2
trick r treat
the unborn
drag me to hell
friday the 13th
jennifer's body
the grudge
prom night
the collector
silent hill
the last house on the left
fundita ?
Drag me to hell(super horror)my bloody valentine, mirrors...si astea mi-au placut mie cel mai mult
the hills have eyes
laid to the rest
paranormal actibity
forget me not
masacrul din texas
the invisible
drag me to hell
My Bloody Valentine
The Orphan
The Exorcist
silent hill
the grudge
house of wax
1- George A. Romero’s Next Zombie Movie
2- 25/8
3- Jennifer’s Body
4- Giallo
5- The Wolf Man
7- Tyrannosaurus Rex
8- Final Destination 4 (3-D)
9- Piranha
10- Drag Me to Hell
11- Feast III: The Happy Finish
12- Friday the 13th (Remake)
13- The Uninvited
14- My Bloody Valentine 3-D
15- The Unborn
1- killer clowns from outer space
2- city of the living dead
3- return of the living dead
4- gremlins
5- jason x
6- scanners
7- evil dead part 1
8- terror at the opera. aka opera
9- zombie – Lucio Fulci
10- ichi the killer
11- Suspiria
12- the thing -john carpenter
13- final destination 2, 3 sau 4
14- nightmare on elmstreet
15- army of darnkess
16- day of the dead
17- friday the 13 part 5
18- evil dead part 1
19- species 2
20- terror at the opera. aka opera
21- nightmare on elmstreet
22- house of wax
23- The Beyond
24- friday the 13th part 3
25- chopping mall
Buna! Si mie imi plac mult filmele horror, sunt chiar preferatele mele si am vazut multe la viata mea
exemple ar fi seriile Saw, cu tenta psihologica, The Hills Have Eyes, iar mi-a placut foarte mult, The Orphan sau preferatul meu, The Uninvited :X dar daca vrei intr-adevar ceva care sa te lecuiasca de aceasta pasiune "horror"
uita-te la Paranormal Activity! Pe mine m-a lecuit vreo 3 luni bune
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