| dianka_4861 a întrebat:

Hei buna.am si eu o rugaminte.Nu sunt deloc buna la limba engleza si vorbesc cu 2 prietena din polonia care urmeaza sa vine la mine.cum google translate nu prea traduce corect as vrea sa va cer voua cine cunoaste bine engleza sa imi traduca ceva din romana in engleza. ele mi-au trimis un mesaj am inteles ce a spus dar nu pot sa formulez singura raspunsul meu.si asta as vrea sa le spun:

"buna.si eu abia astept sa ne vedem.am foarete multe emotii deoarece nu stiu foarte bine engleza. sunt venita de curand in romania si nu am apucat sa studiez decat un an aceasta limba dar sunt sigura ca ne vom descurca.stiu foarte bine limba rusa deoarece sunt din moscova, si din cate am inteles studiati aceasta limba... oarecum sper sa ne intelegem.Nu vreau sa va deranjati in legatura cu suvenirurile. Da, am o sora mai mica ca mine de 2 ani. nu ma am rabdare si abia astept sa ne vedem."

Răspuns Câştigător
| Drunkenhearts a răspuns:

Hi, I can not wait to see you have so many emotions because I don't know very good English. I am coming soon in Romania and I started to study this language than a year but I'm sure we well handle. i know Russian because i'm from Moscow, and from what I understand that you study it... i hope we will understand. i don't want to bother about suvenirs.yes, I have a younger sister to me for 2 years. I do not have patience and wait to see you.
imi dai si o fundita? sad

8 răspunsuri:
| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Hello. i wait to see you too. i'm so excited because i don't know english very well. i came in romania recently and i didn't start studying just one year this language but i'm sure we will can do it. i know russian very well because i'm from moscova, and i understood that you studying this language...somewhat i hope we will can talk with each other. i don't want you to disturb about presents.yes,i have a little sister young than me with two years. i don't have anymore patience and i wait to see you.

| Alex_7297 a răspuns:

1. Tu nici limba română nu o şti, d-apăi limba engleză.
2. Oameni buni, e la mintea cocoşului că asta e o temă. Apropo "dianka", vezi că nu prea au tradus corect indivizii care au răspuns înaintea mea, aşa că nu îţi recomand să scrii pe caietul de teme aia!

| PinkY a răspuns:

Hi. I can`t wait to see you. I`m verry excitet because I don`t spek English verry well. I live in Romania for a verry short time and I study this language for only one year but am sure that we`ll do well. I can speak Russian Language verry well because I`m from Moscow and I understood that you study Russian. I don`t want you to bother with the souvenirs. Yes, I have a little sister. Shie has 2 years old. I don`t have patience and wait to see you. Bye

| PinkY a răspuns:

Sper sa-ti fie de folostongue

| Symona a răspuns:

''Hello. I wait to see you. I have so many emotions that I do not know English. I am coming soon in Romania and I started to study this language than a year but I'm sure we will do.
I know very well Russian because I am from Moscow, and I understand and study this language. I hope we coud understand.
I do not want to bother about souvenirs. Yes, I have a younger sister to me for 2 years. I do not have patience and wait to see you. "

| dianka_4861 explică:

@Alex esti un nesimtit...nu stiu cum sa iti zic dar se pare ca nu prea dai pe la scoala deoarece nu se dau astfel te teme. cel putin nu astfel de subiecte

| Alex_7297 a răspuns:

@dianka rezerva mea de materie cenuşie este de n ori mai mare ca a ta. Se pare că nu prea s-au îngrămădit neuronii la tine!

| trololololol a răspuns:

Vai cati analfabeti pe TPU straight face
nici unul de pana acum nu a tradus cum trebuie textul.
"Hello. I can't wait to see you either. I'm very excited because i'm not very good at english. I newly came to Romania and I only had one year to study this language but i'm certain we'll manage somehow. I know russian very well as I come from Moskow, and as I have understood you study russian. I somehow hope we'll understand each other (asa ai scris, asa am tradus). You don't need to bother with the souvenirs. And yes, I have a sister that is 2 years younger than I am. I can't wait to see you."