13 going on 30
17 again
Inteligenta artificiala
Mr Bean Holiday(nu-i film clasic cu mr bean i film comedie in care se vb si este aciune merita mori de ras)
A walk to remember
50 first dates
What a girl wants
Not another teen movie
The perfect man
The ring(Avertizarea, Chemarea)
The exorcist(1973)
Paranormal Activity(mult zic ca i de groaza eu am ras la el)
si este in fiecare vineri ora 22:00 pe discovery
Butterfly effect:X:1)
si mai stiu multe daca mai vrei:*
1. 17.Again.2009.
2. 18.Year.Old.Virgin.
3. Bolt
4. Eagle. Eye
5. Fast.Track-No.Limits
6, High.School.Musical.3
7. Kung.Fu.Panda
8. Saw. 2
9. Saw. 3
10. Saw. 4
11. Saw. 5
12. Slumdog.Millionaire
13. V.For.Vendetta
14. Blood.And.Bone.
15. American High School
16. Big Stan
17. Daddy Day Camp
18. Fired Up
19. Norbit
20. Road Trip
21. Whos Your Daddy
22. Little Man
23. Miss March
24. Stay.Alive
25. Streets.Of.Blood.
26. The Ringer
27. The.Curious.Case.of.Benjamin.Button.
28. The.Hangover
29. Twilight
30. Van.Wilder.Freshman.Year.Unrated.
31. Apocalypto
32. frontieres
33. opt-mirrors
34. Over.the.Hedge.
35. Robots.
36. Shark. Tale.
37. The.Incredibles.
38. TMNT.
39. Valiant.
40. Crank.High.Voltage.
41. Creep
42. David Blaine - Fearless
44. Fast n Furious 4
45. Greu de Ucis 4
46. monsters vs aliens
47. Mr Beans Holiday
48. Step. Up.
49. Step. Up. 2
50. Superman Returns
51. Taken
52. The Game Plan
53. The Hills Have Eyes
54. The Hills Have Eyes 2
55. Spirit Stallion Of The Cimarron
56. Drag.Me.To.Hell.
57. Halloween.
58. You.Don't.Mess.With.The.Zohan
59. American.Virgin.
60. Jackass.The.Lost.Tapes.
61. Mary.and.Max.
62. The.Tournament.
63. Ratatouille
64. Necromentia.
65. The.Number.23.
66. Cloudy.With.A.Chance.Of.Meatballs.
67. 2012.
68. Saw 6
69. American.Pie.The.Book.of.Love.
70. Planet. 51.
71. The.Vicious.Kind.
72. The Box
73. Beverly.Hills.Chihuahua.
74. I.Am.Legend
75. Meet.The.Spartans.
76. Paranormal Activity.
77. The.40.Year.Old.Virgin.Unrated.
Comedie:blue streak,seria american pie,liar loyer,bruce almighty,seria academia de politie,harold and kumar(sunt 2 filme),dumb and dumber,meet the spartans(super comedie),taxi 1 2 3 si 4,zombieland(e comedie nu de groaza),hacok,bad boys,ace ventura pet detective ,welcome home,just visiting(pe asta trb sa o vezi neaparat!) si cam atat...fantastic nu prea ma iar la aventura nici atat,sper ca tiam fost de folos.
What happens in Vegas
White Chicks
Bona de la fortele speciale
Malibu most wanted
Boat trip
Chasing papi,
Meet the parents
Meet the fockers
Dumb and Dumber
Kung Fu Panda
Fratii Marx in Vest
Scary Movie 4
The Proposal
Poi uite cateva:
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Alice în Tara Minunilor 2010
New Moon si Twilight
Remember Me
The Bounty Hunter
What Happens in Vegas...
The Proposal
Angels & Demons
Jennifer's Body
Sherlock Holmes 2010
Paranormal Activity
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Picture This
17 Again
American High School
Bride Wars
The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3
Van Wilder Freshman year
Seria Bring it on
When in Rome
She's Out of My League
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