MMMM....Eu pot sa iti zic melodiile pe care le ascut cel mai des:
1.Fun-We Are Young;
2. Pink-Try;
4.Evanescene-What You Want;
5. Xandria-Vampire;
6. Evanescence - Bring Me To Life;
7. Fever Ray-When I Grow Up;
8.The Knife-One Hit;
9.The Knife-Neverland;
10. Fall Out Boy-My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark;
11. Xandria - Eversleeping;
12.Metric - Youth Without Youth;
13.THE AGONIST - Thank You Pain;
14.Green Day - 21 Guns;
15.Christina Aguilera - Your Body.
Atat mi-a trecut prin cap :d
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