In trei persoane sa nu ai incredere niciodata - Berbec, Sagetator, Pesti- ei sunt egoisti. Pe trei oameni sa nu-i ranesti niciodata- Taur, Rac, Capricorn- ei sunt sinceri si cauta dragostea adevarata. Trei oameni nu-i lasa niciodata sa plece din viata ta- Fecioara, Balanta, Scorpion- ei pot pastra tainele tale si sa vada lacrimile. Trei oameni nu-i pierde niciodata- Leu, Gemeni, Varsator.- Ei sunt prieteni adevarati!
Afiseaza pe peretele tau si scrie zodia ta
1) the past should be the past. it can destroy the future. live life for that tomorrow has to the future. live life for that tomorrow has to offer, not for thet yesterday has taken away. offer, not for thet yesterday has taken away offer, not for thet yesterday has taken away 2) do what you want. if it's something you' regret, sleep late. 3) you broke my heart. now i'm going to break long standing relationship with fun and long standing relationship with fun and freedom.
nu sunt tocmai povestioare, dar sunt interesante de pus pe wall.
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