Hose keeper- furtun de detinator
proain minister-foreign minister-ministru de externe!
eu cat de cat am incercat sa imi dau seama ce ai scris u acolo, iar unde ai semnu exclamarii inseamna ca ai gresit cum ai scris(cum e corect scris il ai in mijloc)
House Keeper-servitor/ingrijitor casa
Baby sitter-bona
prime minister-prim ministru
Astea le poti gasi in dex. Eu te-am ajutat doar nu iti pot rezolva tema. Gandeste si tu. Succes
House keeper (menajer) also knowned as a maid keeps a house clean, does the laundry and shopping
babysitter - takes care of children at theire house
pupil (elev) - or student has to go to school, study and do his homework, this is not actually a job
friest, nu stiu ce e aia, nu ai scris corect, daca e priest (preot) - he is the mesanger of God, and helps people to conect with God
singer (cantaret) is and artist who performs song
proain minister banuiesc ca e prime minister adica primul minstru - he is the second most important person in a country, after the presindent, and his duty is to make sure everything goes well in his country
sper ca te-am ajutat, bafta!
Bebelus sither friest piuple proain ministru
Scrie dracu corect!
Chiar nu va inteleg mai vreti si teme facute (regulament băăă nu se rezolva temele pe site) dar nici scrie nu stiti!
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