A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often. = Corbul in zadar se spala, ca negreata nu si-o pierde.
A fair face, foul heart. = La chip frumos si la inima gaunos.
An ass endures his burden, but not more than his burden. = Incarca magarul atat cat poate duce.
A piece of churchyard fits everybody. = Pamantul te naste, pamantul te creste, pamantul te mistuieste.
A scalded cat fears cold water. = Cine s-a fript cu ciorba sufla si-n iaurt.
A horse, a wife, and a sword may be shewed, but not lent. = Pusca, calul si femeia nu se imprumuta.
A husband must be deaf and the wife blind to have quietness. = Barbatul surd si nevasta oarba, cea mai tihnita casatorie.
A little stone in the way overturns a great wain. = Buturuga mica rastoarna carul mare.
A great ship asks deep waters. = Pentru corabie mare trebuie apa multa.
A bad workman quarrels with his tools. = Vizitiul prost bate calul bun.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. = Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste.
Better later than never. = Mai bine mai tarziu, decat niciodata.
All are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. = Tarana in tarana se intoarce.
An handful of trade is an handful of gold. = Meseria e bratara de aur.
A fair wife and a frontier castle breed quarrels. = Nevasta frumoasa e belea in casa.
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