You got Served
New York Minutes
Jump In
D. O. A (Dead Or Alive)
How She Move
The Hottie & The Nottie
Feel The Noise
Make It Happen
Mean Girls
Never Back Down
Like Mike (1, 2)
Epic Movie
Fired Up!
Seven Pounds
Love And Basketball
Brown Sugar
Whip It!
She`s The Man
Sidney White
Raise your voice
Bring it on (toate)
Sunt filmele mele preferate, toate imi plac la fel de mult. :D
And check this out :
Am vazut filmele si mi-au placut:
Picture This!
- este vorba despre o adolescenta [ tocilara scolii ] care se indragosteste de cel mai cool baiat al scolii, tatal ei o pedepseste cand aude de tip, ea scapa si nu mai e tocilara si are o relatie cu acel tip
Aliens in the Attic:
- niste adolescenti plecati intr-o vacanta la rude, gasesc extraterestrii in podul casei
Another cinderella story
- cenusareasa din '' zilele noastre ''
Legally Blonde, Legally Blonde 2, Mean girls, Confession of a teen age, Azi 13 maine 30, happy feet, Just Like Heaven.
Mean girls
Cruel Intentions
Camp rock
Picture this
What a girl wants
She's the man
She's All that
etc :*
You got Served
New York Minutes
Jump In
D. O. A (Dead Or Alive)
How She Move
The Hottie & The Nottie
Feel The Noise
Make It Happen
Mean Girls
Never Back Down
Like Mike (1, 2)
Epic Movie
Fired Up!
Seven Pounds
Love And Basketball
Brown Sugar
Whip It!
She`s The Man
Sidney White
Raise your voice
Bring it on
Camp Rock sh multe altelesper sa-ti placa sh sa dai fundita celui cu cele mai multe raspunsuri:*:*:*:*te pWWp:*
Filme pe care le-am vazut eu si m-au incantat:
she's man
miss agent secret
who's that girl
10 things i hate about you
dragoste cu preaviz
puicuta cu cocosel
prieteni si rivali
legally blonde
pazeste-mi inima
sydney white
not another teen movie
mean girls
sper sa-ti placa!
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