Romeo and Juliet, L. Dicaprio and C. Danes
Elizabethtown, O. Bloom and K. Dunst
The Notebook, R. Gosling and R. McAdams
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, V. Mortensen and L. Tyler
Spiderman, T. McGuire and K. Dunst
Troy, O. Bloom and D. Kruger
Tristan and Isolde, S. Miles and J. Franco
Pride and Prejudice, K. Knightley and M. MacFayden
One Fine Day, M. Pfeiffer and G. Clooney
Only You, M. Tomei and R. Downey Jr.
Song is "Kissing You" by Des'ree
POi, din descrierea videoclipului...reiese ca filmul se numeste Elizabethtown.
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