The life is too short, to have time for sadness too (,, Viata este prea scurta ca sa avem timp si pentru tristete")
''To be or not to be, this is the question...(''A fi sau a nu fi, aceasta este intrebarea...)
"Don't be sad, don't be blue...Frankenstein was ugly too" ("Nu fi trist, nu fi suparat... si Frankentein era urat")
A friend in need is a friend indeed (Prietenul la greu se cunoaste )
A friend in need it’s a friend indeed!(Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste!)
A good deed never goes unpunished.(Pe cine nu lasi sa moara nu te lasa sa traiesti.)
A man who wants something will find a way. A man who doesn\'t will find an excuse.(Un om care isi doreste ceva va gasi o cale. Un om care nu isi doreste va gasi o scuza.)
Invata plangand si vei castiga razand(proverb portughez).
Learn by while you cry and you will win while you laugh.
Ai carte, ai parte(You have wisdom you have gain)
Eat to live, not live to eat.(Mananca pentru a trai, nu trai pentru a manca.)
Even the most beautiful rose has thorns.(Chiar si cel mai frumos trandafir are spini.)
Great haste makes great waste.( Greaba strica treaba.)
Cine se scoala de dimineata departe ajunge = the early bird catches the worm
a strica orzul pe gaste = to cast pearls (diamonds) before a swine
aschia nu sare departe de trunchi = to be a chip off the old block
Lasa bani albi pentru zile negre adica:white leaves money for a rainy day si minciuna are picioare scurte si mereu o ajunge din urma adevarul adica:lie has short legs and always catch up with the truth. funda te rog
Cremvurstii is cremvursti da cu pisica moarta nu poti bate cuie, or
Sausages are sausages but you can't beat a nail in with a dead cat.
"The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to...
Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit - Mai bine un istet nebun, decat un nebun istet
The right man in the right place - Omul potrivit la locul potrivit
The rest is silence - Restul e tacere Aceste cuvinte fac parte din capodpera lui Shakespeare - Hamlet.
Birds of a feather flocks toghether. echivalentul proverbului: Cine se aseamana se aduna
Laughter is the best medicine(rasul e cel mai bun medicament); He who laughs last laughs best(cine rade la urma rade mai bine); The best things come in small packages(cele mai bune lucruri vin in pachete mici)
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