| janefilip a întrebat:

Pot afla daca o persoana m-a sters din lista de contacte pe mess?

4 răspunsuri:
| teodorus a răspuns:

Nu! acest lucru este imposibil happy

| Brotacelu a răspuns:

Da, o intrebi?
Altfel, nu!

| cristacheceliute a răspuns:

Ii trimiti mesajul asta: "This contact needs to know if you removed her from your list. Otherwise she gets depressive and she wants to delete you and report you for offensive behaviour and spam. If this contact is still on your friends list press Ctrl+G. If not click on the buttonb above to add her to your contacts and apologize. You but-munch!"
Daca primesti BUZZ inseamna ca esti in lista lui. Daca nu, suna-l si intreaba-l.

| deleuandrei a răspuns:
