M-a facut curios Alied Assault!
Va multumesc tuturor, desi nu ati respectat ce am zis!
Ar fi Metin 2 ro, Farmerama, LadyPopular.
De pe hi5: Dream Isle, BarnBuddy, Organized Crime.
De pe facebook:Mall World, FrontierVille, FarmVille, Treasure Isle, Crime City, Island Paradise, PetVille, FishVille, Tiki Farm, YoVille, Island God, Cafe Life, Ranch Town,(Lil) Farm Life, Tiki Resort, Café World... Si ar mai fi multe, sunt cateva. Sper sa-ti placa^^
. Counter Strike - Servere War3FT, Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 2, Medall of honor Alied Assault, Call of Duty 8, Call of Duty Black Ops, Medall of Honor Spearhead, Medall of Honor Pacific Assault si multe altele!
Talisman, 4Story, Metin2(unul dintre jocurile accesate de multe persoane). Cam atatea
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