-Giving your firend the,, what the f u c k is this,, look during a test.
-Sarcasm:the ability to insult idiots without them realizing it.
-Dear monday, f u c k you.Sincerely,the world
-What a lovely shade of s l u t you`re wearing today.
-Shut up.My favorite song is playing.
-Wake me up when school ends.
-I truly believe that my haters are my motivators.
-I`m tired of being sweet and nice, f u c k you once and f u c k you twice.
-Abracadabra! Nope, you`re still a b i t c h.
-M.A.T.H. stands for: Most Awful Thing from Hell.
-Are you seriously talking to me? Because the last time I checked I hated you.
-Reason why I hate school:
5% annoying people.
5% shitty teachers.
90% it`s not Hogwarts
-God is dead, life is a b i t c h, love will tear us apart, you`re so fucked up.
-I love everybody.Some I love to be around, some I love to avoid, and others I`d love to punch in the face.
-B i t c h, you`re only alive because it`s illegal to kill you.
-What part of,, f u c k you,, don`t you understand?
-*** shit.it`s sunday and I haven`t touched any f u c k i n g homework.
-I may look calm, but in my head I`ve killed you three times.
-Some people believe in god. I believe in music.Some people pray. I turn up the radio.
-S.C.H.O.O.L.=Seven Creepy Hourf Of Our Life
-C. L. A. S. S.=Come Late And Start Sleeping
-F. I. N. A. L. S.=Fuc, I Never Actually Learned Shit.
-*** school.
-When my friend isn`t present at school:
5% i hope he/she is okay
95% how dare you leave me alone?
-Honey, you're so fake, you make Barbie look real.
-I understand, but I don't care
WTF... is wrong with you?!?!
Loser... i love you and but i love much my life because is so pink
Don’t be sad, don’t be blue, Frankenstein was ugly too.
Invisible… only loosers can see me
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