Dead silence, destinatie finala ( 1, 2, 3,4), trick'r'treat, the unborn, the eye, aliens, saw ( 1, 2, 3,4,5,6), orphan, sorority row, jennifer's body, paranormal activity 2, mirrors 2.
Pentru mine cel mai tare film horror ramane The Grudge(I, II, III) Shutter, The clinic si The Uninvited...
Hounting in connecticut,drag me to hell,hide and seek,dead silence,unborn,the eye, mirrors, the orphan
Daca ai gasi sa te uiti la The Grude IV iti garantez ca nai mai vrea filme de groaza
Este the grudge 4 nu am gasit nici unde trailer`u
Da a aparut dar trebuie sal downloadezi pe euro numai stiu exact cati dar stiu ca il are un prietensi la.m vazut la el:-s
The ring 1, 2 si 3, Final Destination1, 2,3, 4 si 5, Insidious, Secret of the clown, House of 1000 corpes,Hipnos eyes,One missed call, Scream1, 2,3 si 4, Fright Night, Quarantine 1 si 2, Choose,Husk,Hienas,Season of the witch,The tunnel,Children of the corn,Creature,Dream house, Contagion, Don't be afraid of the dark...Sunt foarte multe filme, nu ti le pot spune pe toate dar acestea sunt unle dintre ele.Sa te uiti la ele noaptea daca vrei sa traiesti senzatii mai intense.Bafta!
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