Vineri 13, Screeam, Orphan, The last resort.Gata iti ajunge, apoi nu vei mai avea somn la noapteVizionare placuta!
The Unborn, The Orphanage, The Uninvited, A nightmare on Elm Street [toate sunt superbe], Pulse, Venom, Thir13een ghosts, The Ruins, The Ring, Shutter, Silent Hill
The house.Acesta este likul eu zic sa te uiti maine la el, daca nu vrei sa adormi maine la ore:)).
The Unborn, One missed call, Mirrors, My bloody valentine's, Tamara, Hannibal Lector, Zombieland[asta e si horror si comedie ]
Drag me to hell,
Halloween 2
The messengers
Messengers 2: The Scarecrow
Jennifer’s Body
Friday the 13th
My Bloody Valentine
The Unborn
Cel mai de groaza film pe care l-am vazut a fost,, the grudge" la celelalte 2 parti nu m-am mai putut uita
Chucky 1, 2, 3... sotia lui chucky
Silent Hill
Paranormal Activity
the room 1408(trebuie sa il vezi asta) --! videos=HdUSiSZJvpY&v=qiD5MHA5F1s
13 hours in a warehouse----------! videos=HdUSiSZJvpY&v=qiD5MHA5F1s! v=mGfk2FloTdE&feature=related
A nightmare on elm street---! v=97h_Oj6PotM&feature=channel
house of wax-----
Paranormal Activity ----! v=OSSqxrh5kp8&feature=channel
drag me to hell -----! videos=ezx5wGEY02I&v=BUZTybLlWKI
the curious case of Benjamin Button------! playnext=1&playnext_from=TL&videos=XRACu8JmNuE&v=cIAlzm-vE-U
The Eye---! videos=ZjjA-gGslgM&v=vjxa9gSjpJA
Saw 1 2 3 4 5 6
Room 1408
Friday the 13th
The catacombs
House of wax
The grudge 1, 2, 3, 4 :X [ Mai ales 3 ]
One Missed Call [ mi-a placut nu e foarte inspaimantator... dar sa-ti inchizi telefonul ]
Scary Movie [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Jennifer`s Body
Chucky [ Toata seria :X]
Nu stiu daca ai vazut avionul morti este un film cu adevarat de groaza eu ni m-am uitat ca-s prea mica si am vazut doar cateva parti din el nu este 100% de groaza