Shutter (2008)
The Urnborn (2009)
Zombie Strippers (2008)
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)
Blood and Sex Nightmare (2008)
The Final Destination (2009)
Jennifer's Body (2009)
My Bloody Valentine (2009)
Legion (2010)
Drag Me to Hell (2009)
Against the Dark (2009)
Seed of Chucky (2004)
The Uninvited (2009)
Friday the 13th (2009)
Saw V (2008)
The Last House on the Left (2009)
One Missed Call (2008)
House (2008)
Mirrors (2008)
Orphan (2009)
The Wolfman (2010)
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009)
Scary Movie 4 (2006)
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Blood and Chocolate (2007)
I Am Legend (2007)
Prom Night (2008)
Van Helsing (2004)
Autopsy (2008)
Anaconda III (2008)
The Eye (2008)
13 Hours in a Warehouse (2008)
Død snø (2009)
Nudist Camp Zombie Massacre (2010)
Saw VI (2009)
The Haunting in Connecticut (2009)
Gwoemul (2006)
Pig Hunt (2008)
Underworld: Evolution (2006)
The Strangers (2008)
Pandorum (2009)
Transylmania (2009)
The Collector (2009)
The Grudge 2 (2006)
Daybreakers (2009)
Blood: The Last Vampire (2009)
The Devil's Tomb (2009)
Silent Hill (2006)
1408 (2007)
Amusement (2009)
The Grudge 3 (2009)
The Box (2009)
The Ruins (2008)
mesaje de dincolo
motelul groazei
casa celor 13 fantome
scary movie
ultima casa pe stanga
vineri 13
destinatia finala
tarata in iad
Jennifer body, the reeds, texas massacre, the unborn, jepers crepers 1&2, house of wax, paranormal activity, exorcist beginning, silent hill, the mirrors, the ruins, etc.
De goraza nu stiu dar de groaza ar fi exorcism of emily rose chiar m-am speriat
DA :X Pai: -Wind Chill, Casa de ceara. mai cauta si altele pe net si te poti uita la filme din astea dar cred ca ajunge numa pana la jumatatea filmului Vizionare placuta
The Haunting in Connecticut
The others
Numarul 23
Secret window
Stay Alive
El orfanato
Hide and Seek
Case 39
Sillent Hill
Pulse-filmat in Romania
Final destination
Shutter- varianta japoneza e mult mai buna decat cea americana
The grudge- e interesant, dar plictisitor pana la jumatatea filmului.De acolo incepe actiunea.
The ring- Frumos realizat... dar prea putin horror, are maxim 2 scene infricosatoare.Mai bun e The ring 2
The Exorcism
The Texas Chainsaw Masacre(cel mai tare)
Saw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Friday the 13
Case 39
The Grudge (1, 2, 3)
Dead Silence
The eye
28 days later
Drag me to hell
One missed call
The Ring
The Shining
sunt cele mai super
merit fundita?
The Final Destination [cel mai misto]; 18 degete ale mortii, casa celor 13 fantome
Intra pe sau si dai si tu la categoria groaza si gasesti o groaza de filme de groaza :P
Drag me te hell
Silent Hill
The box
The last house on the left
The unborn
The ring
Surority Row (cred ca asa se scrie)
Castelul Blestemat
The eye
Mai bine nu te uita. Gandeste-te putin inainte, dupa ce vezi respesctivul film, tragi si linie si te intrebi: "cu ce am ramas dupa chestia asta?" o sperietura pe cinste care o sa lase involuntar urme de intensitati variabile (depinde ce fel de persoana esti) aa da si cateva ore pierdute degeaba in care mai bine ieseai cu prietenii. Acuma depinde de tine.
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