imamarysue - maximum stats
bottledfairy - +2000HP
idontwanttoplaythisgame - 1000 EXP with everyone
irobbedsantaclaus - +100 of all items
ipwnchucknorris - give u stats, items, 2000HP and $1000
skywithdiamonds - Gives u $1000
isteppedonhistoe - brings you to the day of the ball
battleofmidway - Brings you to day 15 (unlocks Jack)
bunnyiswatchingyou - Max EXP for Oliver
ilovetherichjerk - Max EXP for Elliot
hesgotaghettohat - Max EXP for Clark
thisisnotikuto - Max EXP for Lance
piratesarebetterthanninjas - Max EXP for Jack
aliceishigh - stick figure extra
Dar cum le introduci?
Nu stiu ca eu nu am jucat niciodata acest joc. Doar am incercat sa te ajut si am cautat pe internet. Imi poti da o funda te rog mult.
jonnybaiatbun69 întreabă: