Pentru ea, as muta muntii din loc
Pentru ea as opri timpu’ pe loc, as scoate piatra din foc
As face tot fara regrete
Nu ma joc, in joc sunt sentimente
N-avem secrete, ca astea dor
Dar visam impreuna la viitor
Cand stam intinsi. pe covor plutim usor, plutim usor, plutim usor
Si stiu ca nu-ti plac golanii, ca nu conteza banii
Stiu ca nu sunt tocmai genul’ pe care sa-l prezinti lu’ mami
Si stiu ca plec prea des si nu ma-ntorc prea des
Dar toate au un sens cand tu le dai un sens
Ai inteles de la inceput
Nu am ales s-am un trecut
Bineinteles, nu sunt un sfant
Invat din mers, nu-s vorbe-n vant, nu-s vorbe-n vant.
I always knew what I wanted to be
I knew for sure, I knew for sure
Always knew it was them or me
I wanted more, more and more
It's all right, it's O.K.
None of them people gonna take it away
They don't know like I know
And I can't stop 'cause it drives them crazy
It drives them crazy, 'cause I won't be cool
It's too late baby
It's the same old desire
Nothing has changed, nothing's the same
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain
Always moving, somewhere else to be
Moving on, moving on
Scream at you and you scream at me
Right or wrong, right or wrong
It's all right, it's O.K.
No one's ever gonna take us away
'Cause they don't know like I know
I gotta keep rockin', 'cause it makes me crazy
It makes me crazy, who needs to be cool
Life's amazing
It's the same old desire
Crazy train, crazy train
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain
It's the same old desire
Nothing has changed, nothing's the same
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain
Same old desire
Crazy train, crazy train
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain
I'm not such a easy prey, boy
You just start thinkin' you love me like i'm just a new toy!xx
"De cand ne-am cunoscut ma-ntreb de ce destinul a decis sa ne-ntalnim
Si apoi, ne-a ucis fiecare vis facandu-ne sa suferim
De ce inca ne mai iubim? De ce mai spun ce spun acum?
si la ce bun cand las in urma numai scrum?
Si fum si tu pleci pe alt drum?
De ce n-am reusit sa fiu ce mi-am dorit de mic sa fiu?
De ce n-avem un fiu? Si mai ales de ce mai sunt inca viu?
Cand stiu ca inima mea ea a ta si ca tu n-ai sa mai fi a mea
Si mai ales cand stiu ca n`o sa mai pot iubi pe-altcineva"
Nimeni Altu'- inger si demon
"Ma gandesc la fosta iubita
Si cand zic iubita inseamna c'am iubit'o
Stii ca niciodata n'o sa scapi de ce ti'e frica."
Guess Who- 07 03 2006
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