| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Voi stiti statusuri in engleza? Sau ceva expresii in engleza care sa rimeze sau pe care sa le pot pune la un profil? Sau desene alcatuite din mai multe simboluri gen:
☆┌─┐ ─┐☆
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 └┐▒▒▒▒┌┘ Peace!
Ps: Nu vreau ceva cu injuraturi si dau funda pentru cele mai multe si frumoase!

Răspuns Câştigător
| ForbiddenLove a răspuns:

Nobody deserves your tears, and however might deserve them, will never mak eyou cry.
Don't try so hard.The best things happen when you least expect them.
Never stop smiling, ot even when you're sad, beacuse you never know who might fall in love with your smile.
The worst way of missing someone is to be sitting net to them knowing you will never have them
To the world you may be someone, but maybe for someone you are the world
do not look back and ask why, look toward and ask why not
a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to u when you have forgotten the words
life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away
there are those days where u feel like crying, or when u just need a hug, or just need to be loved those aRE the days when friends come to the rescue
if all my friends jumped off a bridge, i wouldn't jump with them. i'd be at the bottom, waiting to catch those idiots.
the best love is the cand that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and bring peace to our minds.
happiness is a journey not a destination
everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. but u can't make a rainbow, without a little rain
b urself and i promise people will enjoy it; and if they don't, forget them.
dance as though no one is watching, love as though u have never been hurt b4, sing as though no one can hear u, live as though heaven is on earth.
the best and most beautiful things cannot b seen or even touched.they must b felt with the heart
the greatest thing u'll ever learn is just 2 love and b loved in return
if i had a flower 4 every time u made me smile and laugh i'd have a garden 2 walk in forever
rule no 1:live like there is no 2morrow
friendship is like a precious flower ready 2 bloom every may stop growing or keep on flowing but u'll still have it 4ever
family is where ur heart lives, ur memories exist, ur laughter is plentiful, and ur soul is safe

mai stiu destule big grin... sper ca te-am putut ajuta

5 răspunsuri:
| ForbiddenLove a răspuns:

Stiu multe citate in engleza :-D care sunt foarte dragute.Depinde despre ce vrei sa fie? Iubire? Viata? Prieteni? Familie?
Dami un mesaj pe privat si spune-mi de care vrei
Poti s agasesti singur ce citate vrei pe site-ul acesta ->
Sper ca te-am putut ajuta :)

| simpleBoy a răspuns:

Love is all the more sublime, something that can not be described in few words, not thousands and thousands of pages every day that love gives us wonderful things that can not be explained with words, but with heart.
Asta inseamna:4. Dragostea este lucrul cel mai sublim, e ceva ce nu poate fi descris in cateva cuvinte, nici chiar in mii si mii de pagini, pentru ca zi de zi iubirea ne daruieste alte lucruri minunate care nu pot fi explicate cu vorba, ci doar cu inima,

| simpleBoy a răspuns:

Love is all the more sublime, something that can not be described in few words, not thousands and thousands of pages every day that love gives us wonderful things that can not be explained with words, but with heart.
Asta inseamna:4. Dragostea este lucrul cel mai sublim, e ceva ce nu poate fi descris in cateva cuvinte, nici chiar in mii si mii de pagini, pentru ca zi de zi iubirea ne daruieste alte lucruri minunate care nu pot fi explicate cu vorba, ci doar cu inima

| UnConTroLLed_6190 a răspuns:

Sorry... nu am id33 dar te contactez daca gasescwinking

| anonim_4396 explică:

Pai am ceva care sa rimeze dar nu stiu daca este ce cauti tu e ceva care iti incurca limba sper sa te ajute.Doubble bubble gum bubbles double bubbles