●Material girls.
●Raise you'r voice.
●Scary movie I, II, III, IV.
●17 again.
●Dark whater.
●Silent hill.
●The exorcism of Emily Rose.
●Saw 6.
●American virgin.
●Wrong turn.
●The ring I; II.
●American pie ~ The book of love.
●The grudge II.
●The descent.
●Home alone I; II.
●Fired up.
●A Superhero movie.
●Van Wilder-Freshman Year.
●A cinderella story.
●Another cinderella story.
Mai eu na ma uit la filme pe gustul tuturor asa ca Drama:Hachiko, Avatar, Alice in tara minunilor.
Drama:Bridege of Terabithia, A moment to remember
Comedii:40 days and 40 nights, The Hangover, Zombieland, Funny People.
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