1. E.M.I.L. - noaptea( sau: barfly, rom fum si vanilie, etc. )
2. coma- canta-mi povestea( sau: un semn)
3. deliric- ambrozie( sau: cox, linii de tramvai)
4. doc- ceai( sau: godfather, toata lumea canta)
5. haarp cord- titani( sau: nu mai sunt copil, 3.30)
6. breaking benjamin- topless( sau: rain, you, sooner or later)
7. hollywood undead- levitate( sau: city, this love this hate, the diary)
8. ingrid michaelson- the way i am( sau: you and i, winter song, porcelain fists)
9. my chemical romance- helena( varianta acustica! )
10. tegan and sarah- back in your head( sau: i hear noises, where does the good go)
bonus tracks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WEgsLmASLk si http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo2RyhJ1ID0&feature=related :D
[ topul nu are nici o ordine anume. poate doar E.M.I.L., ca mi-s aia de-mi plac mai mult :D ]
U-kiss-tick tack
U-kiss-man man ha ni
Snsd-the boy
2pm-without you
best-say no
2 ne 1-i am the best
gd and top-high high
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