1. Nicole Kidman - The hours (2003)
2. Natalie Portman - Black swan ( 2011 )
3. Brad Pitt - Troia
4. Kate Winslet - The reader ( 2009 )
5. Angelina Jolie - Girl, Interrupted ( 2000 )
6. Audrye Hepburn - nu prea imi place cum joaca, scuze.
7. Reese Witherspoon - Walk the line si Fear.
8. Gwyneth Paltrow - Proof.
9. Leonardo DiCaprio - Blood diamond si Cartita.
10. Scarlet Johansson - Piratii din caraibe.
11. Jessica Alba - Cei 4 fantastici.
12. Edward Nortan - nu prea am vazut filme cu el. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
13. Jim Carrey - The Mask si Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
14. Mila Kunis - Ted.
15. Tom Hanks - Forrest Gump, Philadelphia.
16. Naomi Watts - The impossible
17. Paul Walker - The hours si -25 de grade.
18. Tom Cruise - Jerry Maguire, Magnolia.
19. Sandra Bullock - nu imi place.
20. Nicolas Cage - Leaving Las Vegas, Adaptation, Anotimpul vrajitoarei.
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