Starcraft 1 sau Starcraft 2?
Starcraft 1 (dai Enter si scrii):
power overwhelming - esti indestructibil;
operation cwal - construiesti orice aproape instant;
show me the money - 10000 minerale + gaz;
black ship wall - vezi toata harta;
food for all - nu mai trebuie sa faci supply/pylon/overlord (nu sunt sigur daca merge asta);
Nota: merg doar la single player
Pentru Starcraft 2, ai aici o lista:
Operation cwal -faci case rapid, modify the phase variance-ai bazele si soldatii deblocati, ahow me the money-1000gaz,1000cristals
Operation cwal-case rapid,show me the money
-gaz si minerale, black sheep wall vezi harta, something for nothing-avgrade
Showmethemoney= minerale si gaz
blacksheepwall= vezi toata harta
somethingfornothing= adauga 1 nivel la toate imbunatatirile pentru armura
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