M-am uitat eu Blue Waffles
When someone refers to a 'Blue Waffle' they're not referring to your typical blueberry breakfast-food.
A 'waffle' is a a slang term for vagina.
A 'blue waffle' is a slang term for a severe vaginal infection.
It's basically a slang term for an extremely nasty or severe vaginal infection/STD on the vagina. The infection could cause lesions on the outside of the vagina, as well as bruising, which causes it to look blue in color. Traduce-l in romana daca nu stii engleza.
La mustard snaks e o tipa care tocmai sa-a cac*t. Nimic interesant.
Nu e ma nimic rau, poti sa te uiti fara probleme!
*se duce si isi boreste matele *...
M-am hotarat! Ma uit! Inainte, fara frica!
*asteapta sa plece mosu ala (numit si tata) din camera*
La alea cu 2fete si o cupa aia se ca#$@ intr-un pahar si mananca 2 fete
atata tot