1. Bau-bau
2. Ești un tip FOARTE ciudat, care se plictisește si n-are ce face așa ca plictisește si pe alții de aici
You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one
You are very dubious!
Sweetgirl closes her eyes and she pretends she dosen't feel anythings!
Sweety doesn't feel anything, she feels... antipathy bc she hates you...like me.
Pai ce am facut, bro?
Cersesti atentie, bro.
Mie nu-mi plac persoanele astea, bro.
E penibil, bro.
Intelegi, bro?
I don't feel anything.
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