I love you domnisoara
si sunt very mahnit
caci when i speak engleza
you razi necontenit
i know esti englezoaica
but it isn't important
amorul meu for tine
is very palpitant
I cannot see
I cannot pee
I cannot chew
I cannot screw
Oh, my God, what can I do?
My memory shrinks
My hearing stinks
No sense of smell
I look like hell
My mood is bad -- can you tell?
My body's dropping
Have trouble puping
The Golden Years have come at last
The Golden Years can kiss my ass.
poezia unei pisici batrane
If u wanna be more sexy
Stay in bed and drink some pepsy
I love u, I need u, I miss u...
Ai vrea tu
I love glamour
Sa ma pupi in c*r )