Sa fie vega as in vegan?! daca da,
hai sa vedem :
Dracula never wakes up monday nights because he doesn't want to.
Dracula isnt afraid of the sun, he just doesnt like it when its wings are on fire .
On a tuesday night he wakes up to early on a wednesday and decide to fly a few miles unde the clear lunar sky.
After falling in love with a rabbit he starts feeling blue about it but the truth is, he was just hungy.
Thursday morning, 4:55 am! he rushes to reach batman's cave before sun rises. He wonders on his way in if Alfred has forgave him about drinking all of his milk.
He then reaches in america 1956 because he was flying to fast and he goes to bed because it was sunday.
The end.
Cam lame dar nu prea am avut inspiratie..scz
Christiana03 întreabă: