Felicitari tuturor, vad ca tastati repede eu doar 33 de cuv/minut! Nu sunt asa buna, dar poate cu timpul voi mai exersa si am sa tastez mai repede! Oricum ii apreciez pe cei care tasteaza repede, e ceva frumos. O zi frumoasa tuturor!
You type 230 characters per minute
You have 40 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words
You reached 359 points, so you achieved position 636 of 16213 on the ranking list
You type 494 characters per minute
You have 88 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words
ehehee intrec cu mult o dactilografa.
You reached 409 points, so you achieved position 184 of 16216 on the ranking list
You type 515 characters per minute
You have 96 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
yayayyaya am reusit
You reached 137 points, so you achieved position 9981 of 16318 on the ranking list
You type 204 characters per minute
You have 41 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words.
La 12 ani, nu-i rău deloc. .
You type 251 characters per minute
You have 46 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
La 12 ani, nu-i rău deloc..
You reached 199 points,
so you achieved position 5769 of 17087 on the ranking list
You type 321 characters per minute
You have 51 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words
Foarte tare You type 201 characters per minute
You have 31 correct words and
you have 6 wrong words sunt buna ce sa mai
You reached 146 points, so you achieved position 9258 of 16337 on the ranking list
You type 217 characters per minute
You have 38 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words... am scris 38 de cuvinte pe minut la primul... You reached 179 points, so you achieved position 6769 of 16341 on the ranking list
You type 223 characters per minute
You have 43 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words ...si la al doilea scriu 43
You type 283 characters per minute
You have 55 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
tare fain
You type 355 characters per minute
You have 61 correct words and
you have 5 wrong words
pff...hai ca-i bun
You type 231 characters per minute
You have 39 correct words and
you have 4 wrong words
You type 179 characters per minute
You have 32 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words