Imi asculta si mie cineva rugaciunile?!
Cred c-am ajuns in iad.
I am stopped everywhere I go because people think I am Justin Bieber. Before I even knew who he was, no matter what I was wearing, I would be asked for photos, autographs, etc... This is my response to that. It expresses my initial confusion, the shock when I finally saw his face, the frustration with people ONLY seeing him when they see me, and the solution I've come to, as a way to balance what fate has delivered. I just want people to dig a little deeper. Anyways, Enjoy! One Love. Credits: Cinematography: Jeffrey Gross & Alex Lazin. (c) Dani Shay 2010
saraca sa fi considerata un cap de mop...
Seama leit cu Bieber . Da ce se chinuie sa scoata doua cuvinte pe gura. [ din versurile pe care la canta Eminem ]
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