| dot a întrebat:

In Phineas si Pherb...laughing care sunt cele trei state pe care Dr.Doofenshmirtz vrea sa le cucereasca?laughinglaughing

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| pengu a răspuns:

Nu a spus in nici un episod care suntlaughing), dar cand spune de ele eu ma gandesc la cele trei state de pe continentul American: Canada, SUA si Mexichee hee))

11 răspunsuri:
| AndutzaAndu a răspuns:

S. u. a., china, rusia. nu ştiu.laughing

| Bii26 a răspuns:

Americile laughing din cate inteleg.

| camelia1812 a răspuns:

Deci nota 10 pentru intrebare laughing

cred ca america de nord, america centrala si america de sud big grin

| Carlaaa a răspuns:

No idea. laughingDa' tot e amuzant

| buubi a răspuns:

Buna intrebarerolling on the floor

| IronHere a răspuns:

2 problem!

1.NU se scrie Pherb se scrie Ferb!laughing
si 2.NU stiusad

| BlueStar12 a răspuns:

The Tri-State Area is the name of the metropolitan area surrounding Danville. The evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz often plans to create chaos in this area, not just the city of Danville itself. For such purposes, he built a scale model of the Tri-State Area.

mda...:)) asta am gasit aicihttp://phineasandferb.wikia.com/wiki/Tri-State_Area

tradus: Cele Trai State sunt zona metropolitana care inconjoara Danville.Maleficul Dr.Doofenshmirtz planuieste sa creeze haos in toata zona, nu doar in orasul Danville. Dintr-un anumit motiv a construit un model la o scara mai mica a Celor Trei State =))

In the real world, a tri-state area need not encompass whole states. For example, Chicagoland includes several counties in northeast Illinois along with a few in extreme northwest Indiana and extreme southeast Wisconsin.

subliniem partea ci "IN THE REAL WORLD".
concluzia:in realitate nu exista cu adevarat Cele Trei State :D daaaar exista orasul Danville :D

| eu..sh doar eu a răspuns:

Habar n'amlaughing

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Although the name "Tri-State Area" implies it encompasses actual states like Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, the scale model is for a geographical area of less than one square mile.

While describing one of his evil schemes, Doofenshmirtz used a magnifying glass in front of a map of the United States to reveal the Tri-State Area's location. The magnifying glass was positioned near the Denver, Colorado area, which is within driving distance of Mount Rushmore ("Flop Starz", "Candace Loses Her Head")

The Tri-State Area was founded by John P. Tristate, who united the Bi-State Area with an adjacent area right over there founded by Otto H. Adjacent. Tri-State Area Unification Day is celebrated on July 15.

| εїз Ir εїз a răspuns:

Cele trei state ale americii : america de nord, america centrala si america de sun laughing 10 la intrebarea

| asdfg a răspuns:

New jersey, new york si connecticut :)).