| Geanin a întrebat:

Take me back in time, in the summer of 2015

Răspuns Câştigător
| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Best summer ever (._.)
Oameni faini, postări faine, activitate 200%
Geanin vs The World in Hunger Games : RoEdition
Acum pustiu... nada

| Geanin explică (pentru anonim_4396):

Remember how we used to escape for the summer
Fireworks and sparklers would light up the black skies
We'd hold on tight for our lives to each other
Hello, hello, where did you go?

We were two kids living life on the run
Like the american dream
Baby, nothing to lose
And we get messed up for fun
We went too fast, too young :')

6 răspunsuri:
| Mayhem666 a răspuns:

Ai iesit de pe Facebook si m-ai lasat cu ochii in soare. Am iesit si eu.

| Geanin explică (pentru Mayhem666):

Tu M ai lăsat pe mine crying

| Clorox a răspuns:

De ce?

| CdeMetal a răspuns:

Fură-i mașina lui John Tritor.

| Eroare404 a răspuns:

Urca-te in masina timpului.

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