ALAP-As Late As Possible
B4Y-Before you
COS-Changhe of Subject
EOM-End Of Message
FS-For Sale
GLA-Good Look All
HT-Hi There
IYD-In Your Dreams
LMK-Let me Know
NG-New Game
NSTLC-Need Some Tender Loving Care
ONNA-Oh no, Not again
PAW-Parent Are Watching
SWU-So What's Up
TTYL-Talk To You Later
XOXO-Hugs and Kisses.
Le gasesti pe spatele copertilor caietelor Colors (Basic-Italian Style
Rofl= rolling on floor laughing [a se invarti pe podea de ras]
ya = yes
sk8 = skate
lv u = love you
ily = i love you
brb = be right back
dnd= do not disturb
pc= personal computer
cXii =sexy
every1 =everyone
2gheder = togheder
etc. pentru mai multe contacteazza.ma
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