Haloween 2, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Haute Tension, The Exorcist, Cabin Fever, House of Wax, The Fly, camera 1408, One Missed Call, The Grudge, Dead Silence, Scream, 1- George A. Romero’s Next Zombie Movie
2- 25/8
3- Jennifer’s Body 4- Giallo 5- The Wolf Man
7- Tyrannosaurus Rex
8- Final Destination 4 (3-D) - Piranha
10- Drag Me to Hell
11- Feast III: The Happy Finish 12- Friday the 13th (Remake)
13- The Uninvited
14- My Bloody Valentine 3-D 15- The Unborn1- killer clowns from outer space
2- city of the living dead
3- return of the living dead
4- gremlins
5- jason x
6- scanners
7- evil dead part 1
8- terror at the opera. aka opera
9- zombie – Lucio Fulci
10- ichi the killer
11- Suspiria
12- the thing -john carpenter
13- final destination 2, 3 sau 4
14- nightmare on elmstreet
15- army of darnkess
16- day of the dead
17- friday the 13 part 5
18- evil dead part 1
19- species 2
20- terror at the opera. aka opera
21- nightmare on elmstreet
22- house of wax
23- The Beyond
24- friday the 13th part 3
25- chopping mall
Uite-te la filmul asta si sa ne spui si noua daca ti-a placut. Si la cel mai tare film sa dai fundita. Filmul se numeste "Miriapodul uman"
Cateva topuri :
1. Haute Tension
2. The Exorcist
3. Cabin Fever
4. House of Wax
5. The Fly
6. 1408
7. One Missed Call
8. The Grudge
9. Dead Silence
10. Scream
10. 28 Weeks Later
9. Cube
8. A Nightmare On Elm Street
7. Scream
6. Friday the 13th
5. Halloween (originalul, desigur... urasc remake-urile)
4. The Mist
3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (e singurul film la care optez pentru remake in schimbul originalului)
2. Saw (nu e tocmai un horror, dar are si elemente)
1. HOSTEL (aici avem cele doua parti)
4. THE HILLS HAVE EYES(tot doua parti)
1. Resident Evil: Experiment Fatal (2002)
2. 28 Weeks Later (2007)
3. Dawn of the Dead (2004)
4.Alien: Resurrection (1997)
5. I Am Legend (2007)
6. The Grudge (2004)
7. 28 Days Later...(2002)
8. The Ring (2002)
9. Shutter (2004)
Drag me to hell, the ring 1, 2 the exorcist, one missed call, shutter island
Sincer prieteni la "Drag me to hell" am ras cun nu am ras nici la "Home alone" sau eu mai stiu ce desen animat din copilarie. Da. Povestea este buna spre foarte buna, dar de speriat. Da. Tata s-a speriat ca eu nu ma mai opream din ras.Aia nu e horror, e o comedie prea tare.Singurul moment interesant (nu horror, dar n u am ras.crek eram ipotent d. p. d. v al rasului 2 minute) a fost cand a profanat mormantul batranei si i`a inmanat acel plic.SI imaginea cu baba in sicriu si ea in mormant cu tot cu baba ploaie cimitir cruci alea alea ) in rest moarte de ras.
Casa de ceara, casa de sticla, Jennifer's Body, Shutter, The Unborn, The Final Destination, Drag Me to Hell, Orphan, The Crazies
1- city of the living dead
2.cosmar de sfantul valentin
3- return of the living dead
4- gremlins
5- jason x
6- scanners
7- evil dead part 1
8- terror at the opera. aka opera
9- zombie – Lucio Fulci
10- ichi the killer
11- Suspiria
12- the thing -john carpenter
13- final destination 2, 3 sau 4
14- nightmare on elmstreet
15- army of darnkess
16- day of the dead
17- friday the 13 part 5
18- evil dead part 1
19- species 2
20- terror at the opera. aka opera
21- nightmare on elmstreet
22- house of wax
23- The Beyond
24- friday the 13th part 3
25- chopping mall
26. danica
27.atacul rechinilor
28. pirania
29. scream
30. casa scarii
31.anunt periculos
32. fata bolnava
33. morga
34. wolfman
astept funda
~Case 39
~Friday the 13th
Astea-s cele mai tari filme horror pe care le stiu eu. Sper ca te-am ajutat!
Badea_Marius_1951 întreabă: