Sincer din cate stiu eu o sa te afecteze de la varsta asta. Totusi asta nu inseamna ca nu poti sa faci unele exemplu poti sa lucrezi mai mult pe corp - Flotari...tractiuni...chestii de genul, daca ridici greutati o sa te afecteze (de asta iti recomand sa lucrezi mai mult pe corp). Eu am facut sala 7 Luni (totusi nu de la 14 ani) si vreau sa ma apuc iar, sincer tot ce iti spun stiu de la persoane care fac asta, care practica culturism si au o vorbesc aiurea.
Daca o sa ai o alimentatie corespunzatoare si un program de antrenament bun cu pauze corespunzatoare iti spun de acum ca o sa iei in masa.
Ok,In contrast with suggestions of stunted growth among young weightlifters, Betsy Keller points out that weightlifting may be more effective than other forms of exercise in promoting bone growth and density among adolescents. Joshua Yarrow of the Veterans Administration Medical Center supports this evidence in a 2008 study. These researchers found that testosterone injections increase both bone length and density, suggesting that weightlifting's impact on testosterone may be beneficial.
With both direct and indirect evidence suggesting that weightlifting may increase bone length and density, it seems as though this myth is untrue. Rather than stunt your growth, weightlifting when you are young may allow you to grow taller than you would without such exercise.
Another important study, "Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology position paper: resistance training in children and adolescents" confirms the positive effects of resistance exercises and states in its opening that "Many position stands and review papers have refuted the myths associated with resistance training in children and adolescents. With proper training methods, RT for children and adolescents can be relatively safe and improve overall heath".
poti face culturism dar ai grija la accidentari
The bottom line is that weight training has NO impact on your height.
You are going to grow to be a certain height based on your genetics,
NOT based on what exercises you do or don’t do.
adica inaltimea e genetica, nu poate influenta culturismul cresterea, dar mare gria la greutati sa nu ai probleme cu coloana