Ideea asta a surorii tale, de a face cadou iubitului ei un breloc de chei, este nu numai originala, dar si foarte practica.Si daca vrea sa graveze ceva pe el, cel mai indicat ar fi cred eu numele ei.Simplu.Ca ma gandesc daca s-or casatori, si si-or cumpara si ei un apartament-ceva, iar apoi vor divorta, brelocul s-ar intoarce tot la ea…
Se gasesc niste ateliere de personalizat brelocuri, cani, tricouri etc. Ar face bine sa puna pe breloc o poza cu sanii ei... si sigur o va avea mereu... "la cheie"
Nu are ps3 si nu ii plac jocurile video, e classy nu nerdy
Nerdy is a video game nerd, someone who does nothing but play video games. They HAVE to have the new version of a game when it comes out. There parents spend so much money on their video games they have to buy walmart clothes. They also wear clothes from the local gamestop. When they are older they still spend so much money on video games they have to wear walmart clothes. They really don't care what people think of them. They are probably the only orginal people left.
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