Uita-te http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon:_Advanced_episodes
1.Pokemon-Indigo League
2. Pokemon-Orange Islands
3. Pokemon-Johto Journeys
4. Pokemon-Master Quest
5. Pokemon-Advanced
6. Pokemon-Advanced Challenge
7. Pokemon-Advanced Battle
8. Pokemon-Battle Frontier
9. Pokemon-Diamond And Pearl
10. Pokemon-Battle Dimension
11. Pokemon-Galactic Battles
12. Pokemon-Sinnoh League Victors
13. Pokemon-Black And White
14. Pokemon-BW Rival Destinies
15. Pokemon-Best Wishes
Multe, multe da' cate. Sunt chiar 15:
1.Indigo League
2.Adventures on the Orange Islands
3.The Johto Journeys
4.Johto League Champions
5. Master Quest
In fine...Si multe altele
poftim http://www.anime44.com/anime/search?key=pokemon&search_submit=Go
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