| Buuff a întrebat:

Poate cineva sa-mi traduca in engleza : Am fost la un club de arte martiale. profesorul era foarte inalt si acolo erau multi copii si adolescenti. sala era plina de saltele. Stundentii faceau miscari interesante. Mi-a placut si mie si as vrea sa ma inscriu. Atat >va Roog funda!

Răspuns Câştigător
| SammyMe a răspuns:

I was at a martial arts club.The teacher was very tall and there were many children and adolescents. The room was full of mattresses. Students were making interesting moves. I liked and I would like to subscribe.

2 răspunsuri:
| Buuff explică (pentru SammyMe):

Multuuuu mult!

| SammyMe a răspuns (pentru Buuff):
