Si care ar fi canalul tau de youtub?
Ca linkul atasat este o reclama la Fast and Furios.
Parerea mea e ca numele nu e bine ales... FiascoFilms.
Citez din about:
"The FIASCOFILMS channel delivers hot new trailers, teasers, and sneak peeks for all the best upcoming movies."
FIÁSCO s. n. (Italienism) Lipsă completă de succes, nereușită totală; insucces, eșec.
Sesizezi contradictia?
Chiar acum am testat link-ul si merge foarte bine, nu stiu ce problema ai tu.
Linkul este de la o reclama de film.
Tu ai cerut pareri despre canalul tau. Unde-i canalul ala?
Daca canalul tau este asta cu reclame de filme, atunci este posibil sa o furi uratt, din cauza copyright-ului.
Detii licenta de publicare filme, sau reclame filme?
Daca nu, esti deja in incalcarea drepturilor de autor si este o chestie de timp, pana te verifica si e\te incalta cu o amenda usturatoare, blocandu-i canalul si adresa de IP, bineinteles.
Poti terog sa ma lamuresti putin cum sta treaba cu licentele astea si cum pot face rost?
"Can I upload movie trailers to YouTub?
You CANNOT upload movie trailers and get paid. Reason being is that movie trailers are copyrighted and you cannot monetize, or run ads, on them. However, you CAN upload them to your channel and get views"
Who owns copyright in a film?
The person who makes the arrangements for the film to be made, usually the producer and director, owns copyright in a film.
Is it illegal to post movies on YouTube?
Yes, it is illegal to upload a movie on YouTube. If you are the owner of the movie and hold all the rights of publishing, you can upload it on YouTube. If it's-a popular movie from a leading production, you may get a copyright strike on your YouTube account.
Is it illegal to post movies on YouTube?
Yes, it is illegal to upload a movie on YouTube. If you are the owner of the movie and hold all the rights of publishing, you can upload it on YouTube. If it's-a popular movie from a leading production, you may get a copyright strike on your YouTube account.
Mai multa informatie gasesti pe Google, doar cauta unde trebuie sa platesti si cui. Evident producatorului filmului sau muzicii.
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