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imi poate explica cineva pe scurt 3 timpuri din limba engleza: infinitive, past simple, past participle

3 răspunsuri:
| ssd a răspuns:

Infinitive este infinitivul ca in limba romana.Cum il gasesti in dictionar.
Ex: a fi - to be; a zbura - to fly.
Past simple este folosit:
1 cand actiunea este la trecut
2 este terminata adica nu se continua in prezent: I worked yesterday at Helbelgy hotel
3 cand in propozitie gasesti:when sau monentul exact cand s-a intamplat actiunea :Monday, at 7 o'colck, yesterday etc. : I ate pies at 2 o'colck.
4 cand povestim ceva :It was cold. Ex:The door opened and James Bond entered. He took off his coat, which was very wet, and ordered a drink at the bar. He sat down in the corner of the lounge and quietly drank his coffee.
Este format din :subiect +verbul iregulat la forma a doua sau cu terminatia -ed (daca e regulat)
Past participle este folosit cand actiunea este in trecut dar nu stim cand :I had seen the film twice.
Este format din : subiect+ had + verbul iregulat la a treia forma sau daca e regulat terminatia -ed.
Ex: I had written the letter.
I wish I had been brave enough.
Mary looked as if she had not slept for 48 hours

| lolec explică (pentru ssd):

Bun dar ai omis past simple. si inca ceva din lista cu verbe iregulate de exemplu: know(infinitive) knew(past simple) known (past participle) imi poti face cate un eceplu la fiecare ..cate o propozitie

| ssd a răspuns:

Past simple este folosit:
1 cand actiunea este la trecut
2 este terminata adica nu se continua in prezent: I worked yesterday at Helbelgy hotel
3 cand in propozitie gasesti:when sau monentul exact cand s-a intamplat actiunea :Monday, at 7 o'colck, yesterday etc. : I ate pies at 2 o'colck.
4 cand povestim ceva :It was cold. Ex:The door opened and James Bond entered. He took off his coat, which was very wet, and ordered a drink at the bar. He sat down in the corner of the lounge and quietly drank his coffee.
Este format din :subiect +verbul iregulat la forma a doua sau cu terminatia -ed (daca e regulat)
To know is a verb.
I knew the story, but i let him to told it again.
I had known the story when i was younger.
go(infinitive). went(past simple). gone(past participle)
To go is a verb in infinitive mod.
I went to the cinema when they took power in the whole town.
You had gone and I panicked.