Deci mi-am folosit toate cunostintele sa te ajut:
"A lit dream from a holy love
A mindful tear in to a broken heart
The hope that press rebellious thoughts
The wind that dispel the bad days
Lights that overflow from univers in to the sea
Hidden mysteries which break from the sun
Forgotten nights spent in a summer
A smile for a moment in twilight evening
Hidden thoughts,dreams and whispers
Mindful shadows in darkness in the night
A rebellious moment that flies towards you
The hapiness/glee/bliss/joy breathe,feeds destinies
To hear the infinity how slowly it strainig
The nature that lies and wants to disappear
But you, dear existence in angel transformed/turned
Love the nature, but let it forgotten
I in the light, you in the night
You in the dream, I in the reality
I call you to give me a kiss
Where are you? Where on Earth are you?
Where are you? The sun is setting
Where am I? The sun is rising
Wonderful dreams are decomposing in the wind
Because so are the dreams on Earth
An impossible love which was easily extinguished
You stay a dream that can't be touched
And I love you so much, without termination
Just for you to come from your undying world."
Sa stii ca "where on Earth " este o expresie si se traduce "unde oare".
Sa nu te faci traducatoare. Ii omori pe poeti!(Nu ca individul asta ar fi poet...)
Poeziile traduse isi pastreaza rima, ritmul si tot ceea ce le ofera caracteristicile unei poezii. Nu transformam o poezie intr-o proza, spre exemplu. Se fac traduceri, dar si adaptari. De aceea sonetele lui Shakespeare au rima in romana, iar poeziile lui Eminescu au rima in franceza. Unele poezii ale lui Eminescu suna mai bine in franceza decat in romana...
Bine, inteleg de ce ai tradus astfel... N-ai tradus o poezie, ci un text(de rahat)
Romani sunt buni la comentari dar cand e vorba de munca fug
eu am s-ai multumesc din nou lui marciana pentru. ajutor
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