Pai, scrie si tu, de ce ai ales eroul respectiv, cate ceva despre viata lui, ce a facut incat sa te determine sa-l alegi, povestesti putin motivele respective.
Frate,tu esti frustrat rau de tot .
In my humble opinion, you should first learn to speak your native language without major grammar faults and only then try and speak "romgleza" adopted from the multinational corporate environment.
) how can you tell that i am not speaking both languages well, i don't see any faults or MAJOR [as you say] ones. . you should try being subiective and stop being an ass, seriously i asked a question, if you wanna' answer, my respect, if you don't keep your impressions away, i think nobody needs them.
Sorry for disturbing you with my romgleza, usualy i don't speak it, stop judging fiddlesticks.
so, give up with the smarty-thingy, it's just in addition.
De scris, scrii relativ corect, mai putin "i"-urile. Te da de gol topica si formularea, groaznica pe alocuri.
Per total e un 8/10.
) mulţam fain dom'profesor. Da' tot nu ai lasat-o mai moale cu figurile, pacat , sunt mult prea multi deastia ca tine prin tara asta.
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