Pai, scrie si tu, de ce ai ales eroul respectiv, cate ceva despre viata lui, ce a facut incat sa te determine sa-l alegi, povestesti putin motivele respective.
In my humble opinion, you should first learn to speak your native language without major grammar faults and only then try and speak "romgleza" adopted from the multinational corporate environment.
) how can you tell that i am not speaking both languages well, i don't see any faults or MAJOR [as you say] ones. . you should try being subiective and stop being an ass, seriously i asked a question, if you wanna' answer, my respect, if you don't keep your impressions away, i think nobody needs them.
Sorry for disturbing you with my romgleza, usualy i don't speak it, stop judging fiddlesticks.
so, give up with the smarty-thingy, it's just in addition.
De scris, scrii relativ corect, mai putin "i"-urile. Te da de gol topica si formularea, groaznica pe alocuri.
Per total e un 8/10.
) mulţam fain dom'profesor. Da' tot nu ai lasat-o mai moale cu figurile, pacat , sunt mult prea multi deastia ca tine prin tara asta.