"What is the difference between HC synthetic oil and fully synthetic oil?
HC synthetic oil is mineral oil which is best cleaned and upgraded by hydrocracking. However, the quality of HC synthetic oil is always determined by the crude oil. There is no way to go beyond the physical limits of the product. By strong hydrocracking a viscosity index (determines the viscosity-temperature behaviour of the oil) of 120-140 can be achieved.
Fully synthetic oils must consist of at least 80% base oils of group IV or group V. These are suitably synthesized lubricants, which are composed of short-chain hydrocarbon compounds and have been optimized in terms of their technical properties. Fully synthetic oils can achieve a viscosity index of 135-190. This makes the fully synthetic oils even more efficient and temperature stable than HC synthetic oils."
Deci full sinteticul este mult mai eficient si mai stabil decat HC.
Dacă știi oleacă de străineză, zice aici foarte bine
Normal da, ar trebui sa am adus mai multe masini din Germania
Nu imi aduc aminte la vreo una sa fii avut manual
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O sa caut online manualul, nu stiu cum dar incerc
Oricum sunt mai multe aspecte
- in manul nu scrie ce marca de ulei sa folosesti.scrie doar norma
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